Zain Postpaid Packages - Saudi Arabia - 2023


Zain Postpaid Packages offer users flexibility in terms of what they can use their device for, making them ideal for those who rely heavily on their mobile phone for work or entertainment. From paying for essential services such as water, gas, electricity, and internet to staying connected with family and friends around the world, postpaid plans give users more control over how they spend their money.

Postpaid mobile plans have become increasingly popular in Saudi Arabia as the mobile phone market continues to evolve. They provide an incredibly convenient and affordable way for individuals and businesses of KSA to keep their devices connected with access to the internet and calls from almost anywhere in the world

With the help of Zain postpaid plans, Saudis are also able to benefit from international calling, which was previously too expensive to be feasible. The same goes for international roaming; while a regular prepaid plan wouldn’t cover overseas calls and roaming costs, a postpaid plan could offer users a cost-effective solution.

Why Zain Postpaid Packages?

  1. Convenience: Postpaid packages offer customers the convenience of a fixed monthly bill, which eliminates the need to constantly top up or manage their usage.
  2. More services: Postpaid packages generally offer more mobile services and higher data limits than prepaid packages, making them a good choice for customers with higher usage needs.
  3. Credit checks: Postpaid packages require a credit check, which can help customers with good credit scores to access higher credit limits and more premium services.
  4. Priority customer service: Postpaid customers usually receive priority customer service and support, which can be helpful in resolving any issues or concerns they may have.

Following are Postpaid Plans offered by Zain.

Zain Shabad Postpaid Packages – Saudia Arabia:

Zain Shabab Postpaid packages are postpaid mobile plans designed for young customers in Saudi Arabia who value flexibility, affordability, and the latest mobile technologies. The packages offer a range of mobile services, including voice calls, SMS, and data, at competitive rates, with a focus on customization and value-added services.
Zain Shabab Postpaid packages are divided into five categories, each with its own set of benefits and features:

  1. Shabab 59
  2. Shabab 99
  3. Shabab 149
  4. Shabab 199
  5. Shabab 299
  6. Shabab 399

In addition to the core services, Zain Shabab Postpaid packages also offer a range of add-ons and bonuses, including free social media data, discounts on devices and accessories, and priority customer service and support.
Zain Shabab Postpaid packages are popular among young customers in Saudi Arabia due to their affordability, flexibility, and customization options. The packages allow customers to stay connected and enjoy a range of mobile services, without committing to a long-term contract or credit check, making it an ideal choice for young customers who want to stay in control of their mobile expenses and access the latest mobile technologies.

Zain Black Postpaid Packages – Saudia Arabia:

Zain Black Postpaid packages are premium postpaid mobile plans designed for high-end customers in Saudi Arabia who value premium services, exclusive benefits, and the latest mobile technologies. The packages offer a range of mobile services, including voice calls, SMS, and data, at competitive rates, with a focus on customisation and luxury.
Zain Black Postpaid packages are divided into three categories, each with its own set of benefits and features:

  • Zain Black 1
  • Zain Black 2
  • Zain Black 3

In addition to the core services, Zain Black Postpaid packages also offer a range of exclusive benefits and privileges, including free international roaming, access to VIP lounges at airports, discounts on hotels and airlines, and priority customer service and support.
Zain Black Postpaid packages are popular among high-end customers in Saudi Arabia due to their luxury, exclusivity, and customization options. The packages allow customers to stay connected and enjoy a range of premium mobile services, without compromising on quality or service, making it an ideal choice for customers who demand the best in mobile technologies and services.

Overall, Zain Postpaid Plans are an invaluable part of Saudi Arabian life. Not only do they offer more control and convenience, they also enable individuals and businesses to access services that were previously unaffordable. Whether you’re a small business owner, student, traveler or someone who relies heavily on their phone, a postpaid plan can make it easier to stay connected.